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Shadowing SDGs implementation: Civil Society Action for implementation

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development responsibilities are differentiated, with richer and more powerful countries asked to take the lead in implementing many of the goals and targets; but the responsibilities are also common, requiring all governments to act domestically and multilaterally / as members of the global community.

A number of CSOs from all continents are contributing shadow or spotlight reports to follow-up on their governments efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. The main focus of the first-year reports has been to devise and discuss methodologies, to monitor governments’ efforts on drafting national implementation plans or strategies and to identify the major obstacles, national and global, that the SDGs will face.

Independent monitoring and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its structural obstacles and challenges are key factors for the success of the SDGs. It is for this reason, a global alliance of civil society organizations and networks has agreed to produce an annual Spotlight Report assessing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the structural obstacles in its realization. The report puts a spotlight on the fulfilment of the 17 goals, with a particular focus on inequalities, responsibility of the rich and powerful, means of implementation and systemic issues.

What are currently the main obstacles to achieving the SDGs? Are there transnational spill over effects that influence or even undermine the implementation of the goals? Are the current policy approaches, as they are reflected, inter alia, in the 2030 Agenda, an adequate response to the challenges and obstacles (or are they part of the problem)? What has to be done? Which specific policy changes (at international level) are necessary?

At the side event key findings and recommendations from civil society will be presented.

Speakers: Roberto Bissio (Social Watch), Areli Sandoval (Mexico, Equipo Pueblo), Daniel Jüttner (VENRO) / Marie-Luise Abshagen (German NGO Forum on Environment and Development), Marivic Raquiza (Social Watch Philippines), Jürg Staudmann (AllianceSud – Swiss Alliance of Development Organizations, Switzerland) and Mahinour El Badrawi (ECESR, Egypt) , and others.

Organizers: Social Watch, Venro, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), Alliance Sud (Switzerland), Kepa (Finland), ECESR (Egypt), Equipo Pueblo (Mexico), Social Watch Philippines, Social Watch, Third World Network, Global Policy Forum, with support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung