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Unpacking The Leave No One Behind Promise For Children - Combined with: - Putting the Furthest Behind First in Education - Delivering SDG 4 for the most marginalized and vulnerable children

Children, approximately one third of the global population, are one of the most vulnerable, marginalized and forgotten group of people. A staggering 47% of the global population that struggle to survive on less than $1.25 a day are 18 years old or younger and children are over-represented among those living in multi-dimensional poverty. Children represent more than half of the current refugee population. The right to education also remains unfulfilled for far too many children with an estimated 21 million (36%) of the 59 million out-of-school children of primary school age living in conflict-affected countries [1] and girls in countries affected by conflict more than twice as likely to be out of school.

Meeting the 2030 Agenda’s transformative pledges to leave no one behind and to put the furthest behind first will require the collection of disaggregated, innovative and inclusive data and targeted strategies to address the needs, capacities and realities faced by all children in all settings – such as those living in alternative care settings or children living in conflict, post-conflict and fragile settings-, traditionally ignored by data collection and analysis. It will also require robust systems of accountability at all levels to monitor progress towards SDG progress for all children, and an active effort to identify the children that are furthest behind, where they are, the root causes of their vulnerability as well as holistic solutions to address these problems.

The HLPF must measure progress and evaluate impact on the most vulnerable populations. Further, new and adapted national, regional and intergovernmental monitoring mechanisms will be vital to identify excluded groups and the reasons for their exclusion and to facilitate the participation of marginalized groups, such as children, to ensure their voice is heard and their perspectives and recommendations meaningfully acted upon.


This event will unpack what the ‘leave no one behind’ principle means for children by addressing the challenges and solutions to ensure all children meet 2030 targets. It will have a particular focus on the most vulnerable children including those in conflict, post-conflict and fragile situations and on how to ensure those children are in school and learning. It will also address how to ensure the voices of children are reflected in the work of the HLPF and the gaps in existing mechanisms that track progress on meeting the SDGs for children at the global, regional and national levels.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Explore and offer recommendations on the first and key steps to ensure monitoring mechanisms focus on children and reflect their needs and voices;

  2. Provide an overview of the education situation of refugee children and those living in conflict, post-conflict and fragile situations in relation to education globally and hear first-hand accounts on the challenges and lessons learned to provide a quality education for marginalized and vulnerable children;

  3. Present some ideas and specific examples on key marginalized groups and pressing issues, as well as best practices for their inclusion;

  4. Facilitate the sharing of good practices and lessons learnt and identify national and international solutions to ensure the SDGs are achieved for all; and

  5. Call on Member States to establish intergovernmental space to track progress on children in the SDGs to contribute to the HLPF mandate.

Proposed Event Details


Friday 15 July, 2015


1:15 – 2:30pm


Interactive Lunchtime Roundtable Discussion (light lunch to be provided)


Conference Room 10 - UN Headquarters


40-50 attendees to the HLPF including Mission Ambassadors and delegates, UN Agencies and Civil Society


ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages International, UNICEF and World Vision


Ted Chaiban, Director of programmes, UNICEF (TBC)

Tentative Speakers

  • Trokon Monghah, Save the Children Liberia [ to speak on challenges and lessons learnt delivering education in a post-conflict country and the national solutions required to delivery SDG 4 for all]
  • Kolleen Bouchane, Director of Policy and Advocacy A World At School [to speak on the education situation of refugee children and those living in conflict, post-conflict and fragile situations in relation to education globally]
  • Sofia Garcia-Garcia, UN Representative, SOS Children’s Villages International [to speak on r eaching the furthest behind first: children without parental care. How have they been left behind by policy and data and how the SDGs can work for and include them]
  • Arelys Bellorini, World Vision [to speak on Improving information and accountability for ending violence against children and global tracking on SDGs progress on children.]