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Can Non-Formal Education Be Measured? - A case study on the use of exhibitions in school settings

For so long, education has been recognized as a change maker. In 1992 the United Nations identified “education, including formal education, public awareness and training should be recognized as a process by which human being and societies can reach their fullest potential ”. With a focus on reorienting education for sustainable actions, it can be a key driver for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On the other hand, UNESCO’s final report on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development points out, “Evidence remains limited on the links between awareness raised and changes made in people’s behaviour and lifestyles. ” To explore this challenge, the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and Centre for Environmental Education (CEE) have jointly organized a project to measure the impact of non-formal education through using an exhibition. The project was conducted in India. Six different schools from three different cities were brought into the project. One group of students was presented with only the exhibition while another group was provided with both the exhibition and some related activities. Surveys were conducted both before and after the project to evaluate what has been learned among the students. The exhibition used for the project was “Seeds of Hope: Visions of sustainability, steps toward change ” created by SGI and the Earth Charter International. This side event will present the key findings and analyses from the project, followed by a discussion on the role and impact of non-formal education and its tools toward achieving the SDGs. Education is not only addressed in Goal 4 but also found in all 17 goals as a cross-cutting element as well as an enabling means. It can be a fundamental building block for eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity.