RSVP: Eunhee Jung , This side event will explore holistic and ethical approaches to integrate global citizenship and ICT into formal education through school curriculum and informal education through experiential learning. Identifying core competencies required for global citizens in this interconnected and interdependent society, the panelists will discuss essential elements of EGC as a driving force to eradicate poverty and further to facilitate innovation for a better life. Best practices and public-private partnership initiatives in the United States, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia will be introduced to demonstrate how ICT-integrated EGC empowers learners from culturally and socioeconomically various environments to work together towards a more peaceful, prosperous and positive global society in the 21st Century. The key aspects this panel addresses are: 1. The role of education for global citizenship in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular, to eradicate poverty 2. Ingredients to share global citizenship education for development: quality teacher, ICT, intercultural and holistic curriculum integration framework, and education policy and finance 3. Technology integration to reduce global divide in access to quality learning for innovation and to expand learners’ economic engagement internationally as well as in their community 4. The power of public-private partnership in tackling obstacles and expanding quality education sustainably to reduce poverty through innovation