RESURJ's event Our Lived Realities: Evidence building through young women’s stories and narratives, for an integrated and indivisible approach to the SDGs, saw panelists and RESUR members from Brazil, Nigeria and the UK, share experiences and outputs from RESURJ's work on creating new types of evidence for a justice approach to the 2030 agenda. The event highlighted the ways in which governments, and some parts of civil society, continue to approach the agenda in a siloed way, with little or no consideration of the indivisible nature of the agenda and goals.
Examples from RESURJ member projects in Nigeria and Brazil were shared to show how people’s realities do not sit within one target or goal, or even across goals. With examples from Nigeria on the impact of livelihood based conflict on women and girls, and from Brazil, exploring the need to ensure that women and children are at the center of response to the Zika epidemic, it was shown that people's realities and contexts are a complex weaving of many issues within and outside of the SD goals and targets, which requires a comprehensive policy approach. The event was broadcast live via social media and via #Evidence4Justice .