SDG 9 calls for building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. It is elaborated by nine targets in these three broad areas. An objective of the session is to discuss - in an integrated way - progress towards SDG9 and high-impact actions for the coming years. Thus it will need to also explore policy coherence among the development, infrastructure, industrialization, science, technology and innovation domains. In particular, successful integrated national policy approaches will be presented during this session, with experts tapping into the wealth of information from related capacity building projects. Identification of gaps and a better understanding of what has worked will provide much needed insight for decision-makers in the SDG9 domains.
Proposed Guiding Questions
- In your view, what are the top three high-impact actions for the coming years, in terms of infrastructure, innovation and industrialization?
- How can policy coherence be achieved? What lessons can be learnt from national STI policies, plans and roadmaps? What are current gaps and high priority actions?
- What has been your experience with adopting advanced technologies and infrastructures in your country? What were the key challenges that you faced in doing so and how could international collaboration help?
- What are the most significant impacts of emerging technologies - such as automation technology, robotics and artificial intelligence - on industrialization prospects and sustainable development, now and in the future?
Presiding Officer:
- H.E. Mr. Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava, President of Economic and Social Council
- Mr. John Danilovich, Secretary-General of the International Chamber of Commerce
- H.E. Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, Vice Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Mexico
Statistical Snapshot
- Hon. Ms. Maria Kiwanuka, Special Advisor to the President, Uganda
- Mr. Kebour Ghenna, President, Pan-African Chamber of Commerce, Ethiopia
- Mr. Magnus Arildsson, Head of Internet of Things Product Management, Ericsson, Sweden
Lead discussant:
- Dr. Patrick Ho, Deputy Chairman of China Energy Fund Committee; and former Secretary for Home Affairs of Hong Kong, China
- Mr. Arnt Holte, Former President of the World Blind Union, Norway