This session responds to operative paragraph 14 and 16 of UNGA Resolutions 70/202 and 71/225 respectively, noting that the HLPF shall devote adequate time at its 2017 meeting and at its future meetings to continue to address the sustainable development challenges facing small island developing States. Session 9 will start with a keynote speaker addressing 2030 Agenda and SAMOA Pathway in general. Rest of the discussions will focus on Goals 1, 2 and 3. In addition to a general assessment of the state of implementation of the SAMOA Pathway, this session, featuring a panel of experts on challenges facing SIDS, will hear and discuss updates on progress made in addressing non-communicable diseases in SIDS. The burden and threat of communicable and non-communicable diseases remains a serious global concern and constitute one of the major challenges for SIDS in the twenty-first century. Equally vital is the continued need to support the right of everyone, including SIDS to have access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food, the eradication of hunger and the provision of livelihoods for all at all ages. This session will also hear and discuss an update on progress made in the development of the Global Action Programme on food and nutrition security in SIDS.
Proposed Guiding Questions
- How do we ensure that the three dimensions of sustainable development are synergized in our national development processes? (National development plan; institutional framework for SDGs/SAMOA; national budgeting, etc.) And what are the critical challenges to implementing an integrated development process and how can they be tackled?
- How can the GAP be mainstreamed and resources best be mobilized for implementation of the GAP, What challenges or risks are envisaged with effective implementation of the GAP
- How can we best strengthen health systems to address NCDs focusing in particular on primary health care and universal health coverage and how can SIDS best improve coverage, access and quality of care for NCD management?
Presiding Officer:
- H.E. Mr. Cristián Barros Melet, Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations, Vice-president of Economic and Social Council
- H.E. Ms. Penelope Beckles, Permanent Representative of Trinidad & Tobago to the United Nations
- H.E. Shahine Robinson, Minister of Labour and Social Security, Jamaica
- H.E. Dr. Tuitama Leao Talalelei Tuitama, Minister of Health, Samoa
- Ms. Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy-Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization
Lead discussant:
- Dr. Paula Vivili, Director, Public Health Division, the Pacific Community (SPC)
Interactive discussion