Amongst the 7 goals to be reviewed, SDG #3 - Good Health and Wellbeing for All at All Ages - stands out as essential, necessary for all of the other SDGs to be fully realised by 2030. Meanwhile, previous discussions amongst the international health community about youth and health have been limited to the specific health risks and needs of young people, with the role of the next generation as a key driver for change being largely overlooked. However, the reality is that young people everywhere have been active in advocating for their priority health issues at an international policy level, whilst creating change through running various innovative health promotion and other programmes at a local, national and international level. This side event, co-organised by a range of global youth-led health organisations through the facilitation of the UN Major Group of Children and Youth (UN MGCY), will aim to provide a platform to voice out first-hand youth experiences of health inequity, showcase youth-led solutions to address these barriers, and identify concrete avenues for youth to play meaningful roles in the implementation and review of SDG #3. Through this interactive session and diverse speakers consisting of youth, representatives of youth-led and youth-serving organisations, and UN Agencies, we hope to provide a networking space which will lead to the development of intergenerational partnerships toward the implementation of SDG #3.