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HIGH-LEVEL SIDE EVENT | Scaling up climate action through clean energy transitions: Delivering on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs

Given energy’s central enabling role in delivering on all the SDGs and on SDG 13 in particular, this high-level side event will look into ways to scale up climate action through accelerating clean energy transitions to simultaneously deliver on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. It will build on the work of the SDG7 Technical Advisory Group and UN-Energy reflected in the 2019 edition of the SDG7 Policy Briefs, the 2019 Tracking SDG7 Energy Progress Report, the High-Level Dialogue on the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All 2014-2024: A Mid-Point Review, as well as the Climate Summit preparatory meeting in Abu Dhabi, and findings of the first Global Conference to strengthen synergies between the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement in April 2019 in the UN City in Copenhagen.

Organizers: Mission of Ethiopia to the UN, EU, IRENA, ESCWA, UNDESA