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Review of SDG implementation and interrelations among goals: Discussion on SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

SDG 8 promotes “sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. It reaffirms the mutually supportive relationship between economic and social policies, full employment and decent work. Progress has generally been slow on the twelve interconnected SDG8 targets.

Major gaps remain and progress has been uneven across regions. Some major emerging economies have enjoyed relatively strong growth and diversification, while others have fallen further behind. Many regions underperform on measures of inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Despite many progresses, not all the workforce is enjoying decent work. Globally, labour productivity has increased and unemployment is back to pre-financial crisis levels. However, the global economy is growing at a slower rate and a worrying productivity gap is opening up between low income countries and middle-income countries. More progress is needed to create decent work for all, including through increasing employment opportunities, particularly for young people, reducing informal employment and labour market inequalities, promoting safe and secure working environments. Access to financial services also needs to be improved to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth. An integrated approach that addresses the goals of economic growth, for economy, society and the planet, requires resource de-coupling and inclusiveness in order to achieve SDG 8.

This session will have an interactive discussion format.

Background note is available here

Information for Expert Group Meeting on SDG8 is available here

Proposed guiding questions:

  • What progress has been made towards SDG 8? What are the most important remaining gaps? What are practical, evidence-based and cost-effective policy recommendations? What are the most important potential future challenges and prospects in the years until 2030?

  • What are the most important interlinkages between SDG 8 and the other SDGs that need to be taken into account in devising effective policies in the SDG 8 areas? What actions are needed to secure a greater coherence between economic, social, environmental and labour market policies?

  • What do we understand by the terms sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth? Can this new way of thinking drive the much needed transformation in the way we approach the economy, society and environment?

  • What are the underlying principles and institutional environment necessary for decent work and SDG 8? How can fundamental principles and rights at work and other labour rights be safeguarded and enhanced towards the achievement of SDG 8?

  • How can we reinvigorate the social contract based on a human-centered approach and ensure that social justice and equality result?

  • How important have finance, trade, science, technology and innovation aspects been for SDG8 progress? How could we more effectively accelerate progress? How will artificial intelligence, automation, bio-tech, nano-tech, digital-tech impact the poorest countries?

  • How can the participation of local authorities, the private sector, civil society and philanthropic organizations, among others, be improved? How can the voices of youth be better reflected in policies and actions? How can the monitoring and data situation be improved? What lessons have we learned from global partnerships related to SDG 8?


  • H.E. Mr. Valentin Rybakov, Vice President of ECOSOC


  • Ms. Faryal Ahmed, Development Data and Outreach Branch, Statistics Division of UN DESA


  • Mr. Moussa Oumarou, Deputy Director-General for Field Operations & Partnerships, ILO

Resource persons:

  • Mr. Mamadou Diallo, Deputy Secretary-General, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

  • Ms. Darja Isaksson, Director General, Vinnova, Sweden

  • Mr. Peter M. Robinson, President of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) and International Organization of Employers (IOE) Regional Vice President for North America

  • Ms. Xiaolan Fu, Professor and Founding Director, Technology and Management Centre for Development; Professor of Technology and International Development and Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford University

Lead discussants:

  • Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of ECE

  • Mr. Matthias Thorns, Deputy Secretary-General, International Organization of Employers (IOE) (MGoS)

Followed by interactive discussion