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Addressing the SDG environmental data gap for biodiversity and nature through corporate sustainability data

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Improvements and innovations in data collection can provide impactful contributions to one of the biggest challenges of our time: avoid loss of biodiversity and nature and ensuring a stable climate while maintaining a strong economy that leaves no one behind.   

According to two research studies, Life Below Water (SDG14), and Life on Land (SDG15) are the least prioritized and reported SDGs by companies, indicating that only 18% of the companies studied prioritized SDG 14 (Life below water) while only 9% prioritized Life on Land (SDG 15).   

Measuring and disclosing the private sector’s impact on the SDGs will complement official data and enhance sustainable decision-making processes and strengthen their accountability. In this key session, speakers representing policy makers and business will share their experience and challenges with private sector data and transparency needed for SDG 14 on life below water and SDG 15 on life on land, followed by a discussion on possible solutions moderated with the participants. In the panel discussion the connection with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework will be touched upon.   

CDP and GRI will explore how to translate corporate SDG engagement into clear and measurable action, moving away from simply mapping existing activities to SDG goals and moving towards a more integrated practice of disclosure that creates more impact and contributes to progress towards the SDGs.   

Panelists (TBC): Government: Chinese COP15 Presidency, UN Agency, Business for Nature Consortium, GIST, Global Canopy

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