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Bridging Digital Gap through STEAM Education by STUF Coding International

STUF (Share Trust Unity Family) United Fund

STUF United Fund’s SCI teaches children in underserved communities coding programming languages and prepares the children with the core skills needed for future workplace and society.    

The project starts by training local instructors through each partner organization called Coding Innovation Hub (CIH), supported by online SCI Platform with course curriculum, teaching videos, and education management systems free for each CIH to manage its own program.

Local instructors then form teaching groups to further teach the children and youth in the country.    

The project has been implemented in Kenya, Peru, and Saint. Lucia.    

Speakers include:  

  • Ms. Michelle S. Charles, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Education of Saint Lucia, “Partnership for STEAM Education in the Digital Age;”    
  • Mr. Yves Trionnaire, Director of Programs at Helping Overcome Obstacles Peru, “Coding Education in Peru: Challenges and Opportunities;”    
  • Mr. Yale Huang, Executive Director of STUF United Fund Coding International Project, “Promote Social Mobility and Overcome Inequality in the Digital Age”

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