Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations
In his latest Report on “Strengthening security sector reform” (March 2022), the UN Secretary General highlights that the principles of good governance such as accountability and respect for human rights are “aligned with the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 16 and contribute to the realization of the wider 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” In the same report, the Secretary General also highlights that “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development offers an important framework for planning and implementing security sector reforms tailored to the unique circumstances of each context.”
Inspired by this report, the event will provide a platform for distinguished panelists from key UN entities, regional organizations and national representatives from the Global South to discuss:
- Good governance of the security sector and its importance for accelerating progress towards SDG 16 on Peace, Just and Inclusive Societies;
- How to build on the Secretary General’s report ‘Strengthening security sector reform’; and
- How new and diverse partnerships between actors working on the security-development nexus, in particular within the UN system, can contribute to SDGs 16 and 17 being realized.
The event will feature addresses by
- H.E. Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Botswana to the United Nations and President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council;
- H.E. Ms. Ingrid Brocková, State Secretary for the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic;
- H.E. Mr. Michal Mlynár, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations;
- Thomas Guerber, Ambassador and Director of DCAF, the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance;
- Mr. George Conway, Deputy Director of UNDP Crisis Bureau;
- Mr. Luis Carrilho, Police Advisor and Director of Police Division, Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions, United Nations Department of Peace Operations;
- Hon. Ms. Florence Kajuju, Ombudsman for the Commission on Administrative Justice of Kenya and Secretary General of the African Ombudsman and Mediators Association; and
- Mr. Walid Alem, Senior Adviser to the Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations
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