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CANCELLED: Bridging the knowledge gaps on the education of children on the move


International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC)

In 2021, the numbers of children living outside of their own country, or displaced within their own borders, reached an all-time high. As the 2022 HLPF focuses its review on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on inclusive access to quality education, it is imperative to account for migrant and displaced children who are often left behind, including in SDG data.    

Reliable, timely and accessible data and evidence are essential for understanding how migration and forced displacement affect children’s education, and for putting in place policies and programs to meet their needs. Currently there is insufficient data about children on the move’s access to school, quality of education, educational achievement and more. There are even greater gaps when it comes to disaggregation of such data by age, sex and disability status. These gaps prevent authorities and aid providers from designing inclusive educational programmes and effectively supporting these children as they face learning challenges that have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In line with SDG 17 on partnerships for the Goals, achieving SDG 4 will require multi-stakeholder cooperation and joint action.    

To this end, this side event will discuss some multi-stakeholder initiatives over the past couple of years that have sought to bridge the knowledge gaps on the education of children on the move, to provide governments and other organisations with relevant information. Methods including top-line estimates of at-risk populations using demographic data, innovative data collection methods or the use of satellite imagery are showing the way towards better knowledge on the education of children on the move, that can ensure better monitoring of SDG 4, and eventually the achievement of its targets for all migrant and displaced children.