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Centrality of human rights to SDG 5 & Agenda 2030: Examples and recommendations

Women's Major Group

Human rights, as specified in Transforming Our World as well, is unalienable from Agenda 2030, and is central to the achievement of all the SDGs. There is an increasing need for emphasizing the vitality of a holistic approach to SDGs that is centered in human rights, and taking on a systemic perspective to analyzing and offering solutions for the structural obstacles and systemic challenges in front of sustainable development.    

In light of these points, a virtual side event at the 2022 High Level Political Forum, is proposed, on the importance of centrality of human rights to SDG 5 & Agenda 2030, and coherence across UN institutions and mechanisms on their approach to human rights and Agenda 2030.    

There are many topics that could be examined under the human rights & gender equality intersections, however, in this side event the organizers would like to focus on four specific and pertinent dimensions, that are relevant and eminent for our current contexts throughout the world:    

  • Policy coherence across UN spaces & beyond  
  • SRHR - with specific focus on abortion  
  • Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD)  
  • Antigender & antirights threats      

In examining these dimensions, the organizers of the side event would like to:  

  • draw attention to the increasing attacks towards these dimensions,  
  • provide recommendations towards progressing on these issues towards gender equality in light of human rights,  
  • show and enhance the strong connection between the UN human rights policy spaces and UN sustainable development policy spaces  
  • and stand in solidarity with feminists working on these issues throughout the world.