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Challenges and Lessons Learned in public- private alliances towards achieving SDG 4 to help build back better after COVID-19 - The value of Applied Philosophy for building global citizenship

Organização Nova Acrópole Lago Norte

Achieving SDG 4 faces daunting challenges after Covid 19- Unicef speaks of an educational tragedy like no other, from which the Latin American region will take years to recover. However, the problem dates back to long before the pandemic because there is sufficient evidence that technological progress has limited the development of the capacity for abstraction in human beings and with it the deterioration of everything that comes from it, such as: ideals, the perception of values, the aesthetic sense, the expectations about oneself, understanding the motives of the other, creativity, entrepreneurship, etc. All these essential capacities to be resilient and engage constructively in sustainable practices.  How can civil society join efforts with member States to face these challenges? Is it possible to achieve SDG 4 Target 4.7 that seeks to promote "Education for sustainable development and global citizenship" while promoting critical thinking, citizen education and volunteer work? Can public -private alliances be sustainable after COVID 19? This side event will enable the discussion between participants and panelist to address these and other pressing questions using two experiences in Brazil and El Salvador and drawing conclusions from them. 

Webinar to be hosted by New Acropolis Brazil.

The host organization will provide a channel in English and Spanish 

Register here for the side-event