Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Register for the side-event here
This side-event would like to unpack the different systemic barriers in achieving the sustainable development goals. In particular, to unpack the multiple layers of crises that grassroots women and their communities face–from challenged democracies, corporate abuses and domestic and systemic violence.
The side-event is also an opportunity to launch the Peoples’ Development Justice Reports prepared by APWLD partners who have conducted their own monitoring of specific SDGs and its impact on women and their communities in the first two years of the pandemic.
The side-event focuses on cross-cutting issues of SDG 5 and SDG 17, and sharing of particular and similar cases from CSOs from VNR countries in the global south.
The side-event will also highlight the urgent need to recognise and implement a human rights-based approach to development, which is embedded in the Development Justice framework.
- Unpack the multiple crises and systemic barriers to achieving the SDGs, in particular, SDG 5 and 17;
- Bring forward and build solidarity among civil society and grassroots women voices from the global south especially in monitoring systemic issues (Asia, Pacific, LAC and Africa);
- Bring forward collective recommendations from the regional perspective at the High-Level Political Forum which includes strengthening regional processes and peoples’ participation at the national level.