Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund
To achieve a job-rich recovery and just transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy, the UN Secretary-General is calling for a Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection that would create at least 400 million jobs and extend social protection for 4 billion women, men, and children currently without coverage. A robust recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic requires an emphasis on Climate-friendly, technology-focused green jobs (SDGs 9, 14.15), including in the informal sector and migrant communities. A green and inclusive work environment that is decent, safe, and free from violence and harassment (v&h) will enhance the resilience of communities, in the face of economic and environmental challenges. Achieving gender equality (SDG5) must be an integral part of "building back better" by creating an enabling, gender-responsive, safe work environment. ILO C-190 commits governments and employers to implement measures to protect all workers from v&h. Therefore, legislative and policy frameworks that incorporate ILO C 190, as well as strategies to promote lifelong learning (SDG 4) opportunities including awareness-raising on the prevalence of v&h in the world of work and measures to combat it, must be integral to this process.
In the spirit of SDG 17, this virtual side event will bring together multi-stakeholder partners: government, private sector, trade unions, informal sector and NGOs to explore strategies to promote ratification and effective implementation of ILO C-190 as part of a broader push that goes beyond job creation to the provision of safe, violence-free environments with decent jobs for all (SDG 5, SDG 8).
Register here for the side-event