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Debrief and follow up to the World Telecommunication Development Conference

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) / Permanent Mission of Rwanda / Office of the SG’s Tech Envoy

Information and communication technologies (ICTs), meaningful and universal internet connectivity, capacity building, financing mechanism, and financial inclusion are intrinsic to SDG17 “Partnerships for the Goals”, and all are crucial for an inclusive, sustainable, and resilient digital transformation. In addition, and as highlighted by SDG 17, digital development can only be made through a multistakeholder and partnership-based approach, with the direct leadership of governments, policymakers, and the regulator community.

The UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation has called for concrete actions by diverse stakeholders and a more effective architecture to enhance the global digital cooperation.  Since then a series of concrete actions have been supported by the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, such as the Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition. P2C is a multistakeholder coalition launched with the UN Tech Envoy in direct response to UN SG Roadmap on Digital Cooperation and “Our Common Agenda”, providing a game-changing opportunity for stakeholders to pledge their commitment toward providing meaningful connectivity to the 2.9 billion unconnected.

In light of the above, this session will be held in direct follow-up to the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), providing a unique opportunity to highlight its outcomes based on the commitment of the Member States to advance digital development through meaningful multistakeholder partnerships, supported by a series of pledges made to the P2C, with special emphasis on the readiness of countries to digitally transform.  

RSVP: Required by Noon on 13 July to @email.