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Delivering SDG 4.7: Catholic Religious Organisations and the Lifelong Formation of Global Citizens

Justice Coalition of Religious & Red de Entidades para Desarollo Solidario

This event will bring together the voices of faith-based organisations from the Catholic tradition, which have a presence across many global regions, to share good practices and recommendations with respect to the achievement of SDG 4’s Target 7.

The co-sponsors of this event are united in the perspective that SDG 4.7 sets a critical standard for a “quality education” as one that is transformative, not only for the individual, but for their community and, ultimately, for our global society. In alignment with SDG 4, the United Nations’ Education 2030 campaign, the Holy See’s Global Compact for Education, and the Gyeongju Action Plan for Global Citizenship Education, they view transformative education as a lifelong endeavor to become global citizens, including through deepening comprehension and more effective practice of the principles that underpin human rights, gender equality, and environmental justice. In this event, leaders in the field of formal and informal education will highlight a variety of initiatives designed to form strong social and environmental consciousness and to build will and capacity to act for the common good in learners at various stages of life.

They will link these initiatives to the frameworks for action provided by UNESCO’s Global Citizenship Education strategy and the Holy See’s Global Compact for Education.

They will also address the lack of established indicators for SDG 4.7 and present recommendations for the bolstering of governments’ support and measurement of progress toward education that forms global citizens.

Register here for the side-event