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Desertification, land degradation and environmental racism - adaptation and adjustment mechanisms and global policy approaches to achieve SDG 15 through first hand accounts and big ideas.

Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (SG CDWD)

Dalits in Asia, Roma in Europe, Quilombola in Brazil and other African Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (CDWD) face similar challenges with nuanced very differently relating to the cultural, historic use and cultural significance of land, its use and ways to preserve, protect and maintain it.    

Case studies performed in Mauretania, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mauritius and Romania explore the phenomenon of land use and the cultural as well as historic significance land has in each culture and continent assessed for each Community Discriminated on Work and Descent uncovering striking similarities and nuanced differences.    

In Africa and Asia access, the studies found provide sustenance and survival in the form of agriculture create a dependency between land and the communities that work the land. Access to healthy land and functioning, resilient sources of water, forests and ecosystems are essential to maintain land arable, fertile and the basis for all live it provides for. In Africa, desertification has become a mayor challenge that has led the community to develop low tech solutions to maintain erosion and loss of biodiversity/fertility to a minimum.    

Roma in Europe have a tradition anchored in the temporary occupancy of common land and performing several forms of labor and services alongside artistic rightness displayed in art forms such as theatre in the local communities they pass through. Access to land, common use of land and the conservation of healthy soil, freshwater ecosystems, and terrestrial freshwater are essential to Roma communities their traditional as well as contemporary ways of life.