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Driving SDG implementation through Dairy

Global Dairy Platform

Pathways to Dairy Net Zero is a multi-stakeholder initiative and is the very first of its kind for the food system, raising the ambitions on climate action (SDG 12 and 13) in the global dairy sector to achieve the Paris Agreement. This innovative approach recognizes the role of effective natural resource management and associated co-benefits to nature (SDG 14 and 15) through concerted action. Nearly 100 leading organizations representing more than 33% of global milk production have already joined the effort.    

The Dairy Nourishes Africa (DNA) initiative is part of the global dairy sector’s Pathways to Dairy Net Zero climate initiative and is an example of high-impact interventions that are effectively contributing to a sustainable recovery from the COVID pandemic and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. The DNA initiative contributes to the achievement of several SDGs, including SDG1, SDG2, SDG12, SDG13 and SDG15 and in 2021, DNA helped achieve a 33% reduction in on-farm GHG emission intensity after a one-year pilot, primarily due to the intensification of milk production.    

This Side Event will seek to demonstrate how the Global Dairy platform identifies innovative approaches to promote sustainable recovery from the COVID19 pandemic and accelerate action towards the achievement of the SDGs. The event will be conducted as a 90-minute Zoom meeting, with presentations from key actors and Member States. Time will also be allocated for interaction with participants.    

Register here for the side-event