Orchid Project
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively and disproportionately affected girls and women, resulting in a shadow pandemic disrupting SDG target 5.3 on the elimination of all harmful practices including, FGM/C. FGM/C is not exclusive to one country or region. According to UNFPA, the practice is currently documented in 92 countries around the world, making it a global issue that requires a global response. However, all too often, efforts to end FGM/C are disjointed between countries and regions or worse, the practice is seen as a largely African problem.
This side event puts the spotlight on FGM/C activists and allies across Asia, Africa and Europe for an in-depth discussion on inter-regional collaboration to accelerate the elimination of FGM/C, in order to achieve Agenda 2030. The panel brings together regional actors to explore how FGM/C is practiced, including common trends and regional specificities, and seeks to understand the underlying forces sustaining this harmful practice. It will also highlight the joint actions that are urgently needed in the global fight to abandon FGM/C. The session will further enable sharing of experiences, south to south cooperation including successes, challenges and lessons learned.