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Enhancing the SDGs implementation in the Western Balkans

Office for Sustainable Development, Secretariat General of Government of Montenegro

Countries of the Western Balkans recognise the value of Partnership for the Goals. Through intensified interaction between the state officials and civil servants in charge of the sustainable development, countries exchange experiences and knowledge on challenges and monitoring of implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.    

Building up on the positive practices, this side-event will gather representatives of the Western Balkan countries to exchange and discuss on the Voluntary National Review process - lessons learned and the strengths of the national processes. It aims to increase quality of the VNR processes in the region and propel the culture of consultative reporting and policy making.    

Additionally, the event will serve as a platform for continuing the discussion on the means to improve the Partnership for the Goals among neighbours in the Western Balkans and give more prominence sharing knowledge and experience among countries and entities in the similar development context.