Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the United Nations co-organized with Luxembourg, South Africa, UN University, Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking, and NYU Center for International Cooperation
The theme for the 2022 HLPF is “Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”
Target 8.7 of the 2030 Agenda calls for concrete actions to eradicate the worst forms of child labor. The ILO and UNICEF have estimated that about 160 million children, aged between 5 and 17, were subject to child labor – with some forced into hazardous work through trafficking. And, the Covid-19 pandemic has only amplified the
drivers of child labor, including growing poverty and economic inequality.
The COVID-19 Pandemic is therefore a call on all of our societies to do our part in building back better, including the redoubling of efforts to end child labor. Part of these efforts should include leveraging the crucial role played by the financial sector in ending exploitative labor practices.
This event will exploreCOVID-19’s lessons on protecting children from exploitation. The specific role of sustainable finance in addressing child labor will be highlighted, including a presentation on Unlocking Potential: A Blueprint for Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking, a product of the Liechtenstein Initiative for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAST).
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