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Farmers driven solutions to global challenges - How farmers around the world are coping with global challenges and crisis, in the follow up of the UNFSS

Farmer's Major Group

Humankind is facing an unprecedented crisis today, with conflicts raising in different countries, increasing in climate change effects and related disasters, food insecurity and malnutrition worsening in different regions.  And not to mention the fact that the pandemic is still ongoing, causing disruptions to health care systems, transportation, economies, livelihoods, especially for the most vulnerable ones including farmers, particularly in developing countries. Despite all this, the past two years have been showing even more how we all rely on agriculture, because farmers are those who has been and will provide, healthy, nutritious and affordable food while protecting our planet. Indeed agriculture, both organic and conventional, has a key role to play in ensuring food security and nutrition while at the same time combating climate change, including through carbon sequestration and preserving biodiversity in both livestock and crop production.  

Therefore, there is a huge need of shifting towards more enabling, inclusive, cross-sectoral and coherent policy environments at all levels to allow all relevant stakeholders, farmers first, to be engaged as partners in the creation of more sustainable, fair and resilient food systems, while achieving the 2030 Agenda. The side events will showcase farmers stories and best practices from different regions, on how farmers, as agents of change, are coping with such challenges.

The side event will also be the occasion to highlights farmers’ needs and challenges in the different regions.

Register here for the side-event