Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) International
The year 2022 is characterised by a number of important international negotiations and summits on environmental and gender equality issues, such as the negotiations on new targets for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) where a standalone ‘Gender Target’ is proposed, as well as the Stockholm+50 conference on environmental governance, where ambitious and forward looking commitments are being made by environmental ministries, and the UN Environment Assembly that agreed on new resolutions to support biodiversity conservation, as well as the resolution of the Human Rights Council on the Human Right to a healthy, safe and clean environment, and finally, the Commission on the Status of Women’s outcome, that provides key messages on gender-transformative environmental policies including biodiversity, climate and forest policies.
This event will share key analysis of the global developments and examples of good practices at national level, as inspiration for inclusive, coherent and integrated SDG implementation at local level. Ecofeminist methodologies and tools will be shared.