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Financing solutions for green and blue economy investments: Building back more resilient and inclusive economies


The Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the 2030 Agenda both identify the need for multiple sources of finance to work together effectively and in new combinations. Yet, the international financial architecture is not designed to directly support small ticket size, higher risk transactions that – nevertheless – will be the key to achieving transformative impact and ensure SDG progress at the local level, especially in LDCs.

To advance SDG targets 17.3 - Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources – and 17.6 - Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, experts and practitioners will come together to share lessons learned and experiences in deploying innovative and scalable finance mechanisms, including blended finance, that leverage strategic ODA and public capital in order to attract private sector resources.

The side-event will focus on solutions that catalyze private sector financing for blue and green economy investments that contribute to protect life below water (SDG 14) and life on land (SDG 15). The discussion will set out to generate concrete recommendations for how to scale up private investments in green and blue economy activities as an indispensable development pathway to recover from COVID-19 and build back more resilient and inclusive economies, especially in the LDCs and SIDS.

Register here for the side-event