International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
WeProsper, a global coalition for women’s economic empowerment, will convene a side event focused on the central role of investments in care to create inclusive build back efforts from COVID-19 and support the realization of SDG 5 and Generation Equality Forum (GEF) Economic Justice and Rights goals. Given that evidence-based care investments are an integral piece of global pandemic recovery and a gender-transformative path forward, a clear global strategy is needed to deliberately invest resources to support well-being and economic development. The event will harness global momentum on care in support of the 2030 agenda following the G7 and center the conversation around strategies to finance care in the midst of the fiscal constraints that many countries are facing, in order to support women’s economic empowerment and sustainable economic growth.
The event will also provide an opportunity to share takeaways from WeProsper’s new evidence synthesis reports on care services and infrastructure, which document evidence on what is working, returns on investment, impacts on women’s unpaid care, and employment benefits, while also identifying the knowledge, financing, and provision gaps that necessitate collective action. We will bring together a diverse range of high-level decision makers together with civil society and research organizations to encourage more and better holistic commitments on care and progress to achieve SDG and GEF goals.
The event will provide a substantive and practical dialogue on how to balance and support care as a right within the current economic context.
Register here for the side-event