Saudi Green Building Forum
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Welcome invitation
The Saudi Green Building Forum invites an open discussion and direct participation of all willing speakers, official delegations and stakeholders in an accompanying event entitled “Green Principles, Procedures and Applications to Build Better Post-Covid-19” to bridge the gaps between the role of the public and private sectors in linking civil society with sustainable development goals.
Opening Note
Climate change presents an unprecedented threat to our future. Climate change includes global warming caused by human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Although there have been earlier periods of climate change, and that since the mid-20th century humans have had an unprecedented impact on the Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.
Despite the challenges, cities and governments led by innovative leaders in economic, social and environmental planning to reduce the effects of climate change have brought hope to save the planet. Audience This conference targets a cross-section of thinkers, stakeholders and players from Saudi Arabia and Arab countries to share case studies targeted in Goal 4, 5, 14, 15 and 17 and to discuss the critical role of design, implementation and operation in the planning of cities, neighborhoods and buildings in the future. Open Questions Every city faces unique challenges, and it is important to know how to invest in leveraging new green energy technology solutions to achieve critical zero-emissions goals.
- How do we deal with extreme heat, storms and floods?
- What are the unique green plans and initiatives?
- How did some cities succeed while others failed?
- What are the barriers that have been crossed?
- What are the methods of enabling the optimal investment of new green energy solutions to achieve zero emissions?
- What can we learn from each other?
Concept Note
Man, education and the spatial environment in the generation of equality. The built environment, climate and the efficiency of comprehensive and indivisible natural resources. Ensuring Partnerships, Prosperity and Connectivity to Technology
The first objective: Human, education and the spatial environment in the generation of equality: Social inclusion and creating a learning environment commensurate with national capabilities, skills and policies in a manner that achieves gender balance enhances community participation and achieves best professional practices, and enables everyone to achieve the sustainable development goals, “leaving no one behind.” Dive into the relevant Sustainable Development Goals for 2022, “Goal 4 on quality education, and Goal 5 on gender equality.”
The second objective: Built environment, climate, and indivisible and comprehensive natural resource efficiency: Increasing ambition to accelerate work through assays, reporting and verification. Our goals are to map more than 1,000 green projects in buildings, neighborhoods and cities using technologies and technologies, concepts, methodologies and applications of green buildings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia and the Arab world to achieve the global agenda through the transformational Saaf tools “1/ Energy 2/ Water 3/ Materials 4/ Infrastructure and 5/ Humanitarian experiences.” Dive into the relevant sustainable development goals for 2022, "Goal 14 on life under water, and Goal 15 on life on Earth."
The third objective: Ensuring Partnerships, Prosperity and Connectivity to Technology: Aligning our work with all integrated sustainable development goals, while ensuring the implementation of local national development plans (social, economic and environmental) and taking into account nationally determined priorities and contributions, and long-term strategies to achieve zero carbon emissions in 2050. With a focus on activating the role of partners Local and international members and strong and leading work teams. Dive deeper into the relevant Sustainable Development Goals for 2022, “Goal 17 on Partnerships to Achieve the Goals”