Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
After 2 years of pandemic, it’s clear that “hunger” is established to be a real time threat for most marginalized communities. Food crisis has taken a colossal scale in Yemen, Afghanistan, Venezuela etc and hunger hotspots were also seen in Brazil, India and South Africa. The world is facing a "human catastrophe" from a food crisis arising from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The threat from the COVID virus looms large in Africa, where barely 15% people are vaccinated, so also in some low- and middle-income countries in other regions because of the TRIPS restriction on the vaccines. Comprehensive social protection system is missing in many low- and middle-income countries. There is a need for international solidarity on this.
The side event will discuss four interlinked themes – vaccines, hunger, debt and social protection, and livelihood relating to achieving SDGs, specially from a gender lens (SDG 5).
- Keynote: Are SDGs achievable in wake of Covid crisis?: Marina Ponti, Director, UN SDG Action Campaign
- Achievability of SDGs by 2030 - looking from a gender lens: A4SD
- Is it really a hunger pandemic?: OXFAM
- Vaccine exclusion in Africa: PVA
- Vaccine exclusion among the marginalised communities in Asia: GFoD
- Strengthening social protection system in low and middle-income countries: GCSPF
- impact of debt on social protection in LAC: LATINDADD
- Food and economic crisis in Sri Lanka: GCAP Sri Lanka
- War against Ukraine and impact on global food situation: GCAP Europe