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In this together: Share the Care, Transform Tomorrow

Make Mothers Matter

Addressing the inequitable distribution of unpaid care work by ‘Sharing the care’ is in our view not only key to advance women’s rights and progress on Gender equality, but also key to bring about some of the systemic changes which are so necessary to ensure a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, and to achieve the 2030 development agenda.    

The main purpose of this event is to continue the discussion about how to lay the grounds for a more caring society, a society where care work is valued and more equally and fairly shared – between men and women, and between families and the rest of society, including communities, governments, and the private sector.    

Our objectives:    

- Discuss how to address the stereotypes that underpin the inequitable distribution of unpaid care work and showcase examples of good practices and policies that foster a greater engagement of men and boys in domestic and care work    

- Frame care, and in particular unpaid family care work, as something we should all value, the foundation of our society and our economies, and as a collective responsibility that must be shared more equitably across society – and provide examples of how this can be achieved    

- Call on governments and international organisations to action: the Covid-19 crisis provides an opportunity to transform our families, communities and society - and the economic system that drives them - to be more caring - and it begins by ‘sharing the care’ between men and women and across society

Register here for the side-event 

Please visit our website where the details and program will soon be published