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Introduction of the Global Transit Document - an exemplary solution to the postCovid problems in the global supply chains management and contribution to implementation of SDG#17

Asociatia Patronala Uniunea Transportatorilor si Drumarilor din Republica Moldova

The side event will be addressing the issues dealing with problems comprised by category 5 of SDG 17 - TRADE and, in particular, those, under the target 17.10 (promotion of universal trading system),17.11 (increase of exports of developing countries) and 17.13(enhancing global economic stability)  

The specific objectives of the Side Event include to:      

  • Present the concept of the Global Transit Document, based on exemplary private-public partnership, its aims, purposes and implementation mechanisms,     
  • Highlight the necessity for close collaboration between governments and businesses in strengthening the links between all modes of transport in accordance with Resolution 75/115 adopted by the 75th UN General Assembly last year,     
  • Share latest achievements and experience in the area of digitalization of the global transport industry as important contribution implementation of 17 SDGs and Vienna Program for LLDCs,     
  • Identify/review additional areas where latest IT solutions (incl blockchain) and paperless technologies could support the sustainable transport and supply chains around the world.    

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