United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
More details about the side-event here
At the 14th Conference of the Parties, Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification adopted the landmark decision on land tenure. The decision links the principles on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land to national level activities to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). The recognition of legitimate land tenure rights is pivotal to achieve LDN, as secure land rights (i) provide incentives to invest in LDN and ecosystem restoration, (ii) are a safeguard to avoid rights violations in the context of LDN activities, and (iii) create a safe space for land users to innovate sustainable land management practices that build on local and traditional knowledge. Further, the recognition of legitimate land tenure rights is a key avenue to achieve gender equality, where women tend have less secure rights to land and other natural resources than men. Securing women’s land rights creates incentives and opportunities for LDN and ecosystem restoration and contributes to more gender equal societies.
At the side event, member States will report on the progress made in implementing the UNCCD decision on land tenure at the national level. It will conclude by outlining key next steps for the further recognition of legitimate land tenure rights for LDN.
Emphasizing the pivotal role of LDN and sustainable land management and of legitimate land tenure rights to achieve LDN and sustainable land management for food security, gender equality, biodiversity protection, and land-based climate change mitigation and adaption, the session speaks to the integrated, indivisible, and interlinked nature of the Global Goals.