Permanent Mission of Botswana to the United Nations
The side-event will serve as a platform for the launch of the joint report “Scaling Up Renewables in LLDCs” by IRENA and UN-OHRLLS. It will set the scene for the discussion on potential pathways for LLDCs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 7 on Energy (SDG7) by 2030 and contribute to the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. With the participation of the Chair of the Group of LLDCs (Botswana), the event will bring together Governments’ representatives, international and regional financial institutions as well as the private sector and civil society. It will seek to: reflect on the findings of the report; showcase best case practices in scaling up renewables in LLDCs; and agree on strategic actions to close the energy access gap, accelerate transition to clean energy pathways, and boost socio-economic development. It will also highlight opportunities to enhance coordination among UN entities and other partners to scale-up international support to LLDCs and mobilize the required finance to reach SDG 7 by 2030 achieve climate goals.