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Legal identity, as an enabling instrument to access rights

Permanent Mission of Honduras to the United Nations 

Learn and share the experiences of Latin American countries in the application of digital identity  and citizen information, for access to basic rights in a context of response and  recovery from COVID-19. 

Highlight the relevance of goal 16.9 of the 2030 Agenda, " 2030, provide access  to a legal identity for all"; as well as instruments, such as the "United Nations Legal  Identity Agenda", which serve as a guide for implementation of work in the  countries. 

Highlight effort made towards the SDG 17, in specific on goals 17.8 “enhance the  use of enabling technology” and 17.18 “increase significantly the availability of  high-quality, timely and reliable data”.  

Register here for the side-event

Organizers will also broadcast through Facebook Live: La identidad jurídica como instrumento habilitador para acceder a derechos | Facebook