CLAN (Caring & Living as Neighbours) Incorporated
The COVID19 pandemic has devastated the whole world and exacerbated the inequitable burdens experienced by people living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in resource-poor countries.
This event will highlight how successful partnerships (as per Sustainable Development Goal 17 - notably SDG 17.3; 17.6; 17.9; 17.B; 17.F; 17.H and 17.I), are helping build back better and implement practical and sustainable solutions towards equitable access to medicine for children living with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and other NCDs in resource poor settings.
CAH is an inherited condition affecting 1 in every 14,000 children worldwide. Early diagnosis through universal newborn screening and affordable access to treatment enabling a normal quality of life are almost uniformly available to people living with CAH in high-income countries. By contrast, the preventable mortality associated with CAH in low and middle-income countries represents a human rights abuse. Affordable access to essential medicines and equipment is key to reducing mortality and achieving SDG 3.4 by 2030.
@MATES4Kids is an international coalition of organizations and individuals committed to collaborative action to improve access to medicines and equipment for the global CAH community. @MATES4Kids takes an equity focused, rights-based approach to innovative practical action to improve health outcomes and reduce mortality. Achievements in Pakistan, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Indonesia will be shared.
Strong partnerships facilitate sharing of data, stories, achievements and insights and promote multisectoral collaboration. @MATES4Kids prioritises the voices of CAH Community members living in the most vulnerable circumstances and commits to scaling solutions and successes so #EVERYchild living with NCDs around the world might enjoy affordable access to essential medicines, equipment and care.
Register here for the side-event