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Migrants’ Development Rights in Hotbeds of Tension in Africa and the Middle East

Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights

Undoubtedly, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is deeply rooted in the field of global human rights, which is characterized by universality and inclusiveness. The principles that underpin the 2030 Agenda, notably leaving no one behind and ensuring that the furthest behind benefit from this global agenda. SDGs recognize the vulnerability of migrants and their subjection to exploitation and abuse, specifically through a number of goals, most notably, SDG 4 on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all, and SDG 5 on eliminating all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres.  

Speaking of the situation of migrants in the Middle East and Africa, which includes more than 40 million migrants and 14 million internally displaced persons, the region suffers from protracted conflicts, as well as frequent natural disasters, human crises, and the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. migrants in that region suffer from various challenges regarding the full enjoyment of the principles of human rights in general, and the developmental track in particular, as African and Arab countries are hit by crises and conflicts that impede the exercise of these rights.

The event will discuss  

  • The reality of migrants’ development rights in Africa and the Middle East since the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic until now.  
  • The role of the HLPF in promoting the developmental rights of migrants… An evaluative vision.  
  • Challenges  of promoting the SDGs 4&5 for migrants in the countries of the Middle East and Africa.  
  • Coming up with recommendations on ways for migrants to enjoy development rights in conflict areas.

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