Ocean Conservancy
This event will explore the critical role that cities play in advancing environmental goals, especially in preventing the flow of trash into the ocean. 11+ million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year, roughly 80% of which originates from land, largely due to poor municipal waste management. Cities account for over half of global population, but cities are seldom consulted at the international level. However, cities around the world are working to improve sanitation, protect public health, generate economic growth and jobs, and promote tourism. By working together, we can deliver multiple environmental, social, and economic benefits that keep trash out of the ocean and strengthen broader city resilience. The initiative Urban Ocean® provides cities with a structured framework for tackling these inter-related challenges. Our first cohort of 11 cities focuses on Asia and Latin America, with support from organizations and cities spanning five continents. Working with top international and local scientists, cities undertake a comprehensive analysis of their circularity challenges and opportunities through the University of Georgia’s Circularity Assessment Protocol. With this data in hand, cities then convene stakeholders to build consensus around science-driven plans, with a final goal of bringing in funders and partners to execute solutions.
This event will bring together representatives of national-level governments, non-governmental organizations, and city resilience leaders from Asia, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. The event will also be gender-balanced, with women well represented.
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