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Mountains and sustainable development: a pathway for accelerating climate action and promoting resilience

Permanent Mission of Andorra to the United Nations 

This side event on mountains is organized within the framework of the Mountain Partnership and of the 2022 United Nations International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, proclaimed to increase awareness of the importance of sustainable mountain development and the conservation and sustainable use of mountain ecosystems.  

The high mountains of the world are currently experiencing a historically unparalleled, large-scale environmental transformation, with profound and impacts for landscapes, ecosystems, and people reaching far beyond mountain areas. Despite their global relevance, mountains still do not receive appropriate attention in United Nations processes such as the three Rio Conventions, nor investments and specific policies to promote adaptations and resilience. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the current pace, depth and scope of adaptation is insufficient to address future climate risks in mountain regions.  All of these existing challenges have been further compounded by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, risking to leave mountains further behind in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.  

The event will focus on accelerating progress towards inclusive, resilient and sustainable mountain development, within the context of 4 SDGs that are currently under revision: SDG4 (Quality Education) SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 15 (Life on Land) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).    

It will also be an opportunity to advocate for policies to tackle biodiversity loss, the degradation of ecosystems and the effects of climate change in mountains, as well as the role of education for sustainable development in a world recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Join the side-event on Zoom