International Federation of Medical Students' Associations
Young people are finding it increasingly difficult to organize to end the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Youth are active in both, recognizing the importance of youth-led actions and peer-to-peer approaches to addressing young key populations' lived realities and on-the-ground concerns.
The PACT, a coalition of 152+ global youth-led and youth-serving organizations.
The IFMSA, representing 1.3 million medical students worldwide has been leading efforts to end HIV/AIDS through advocacy, capacity building, and workshops.
The IPSF, a global advocacy organization for 500 000 pharmacy students that promotes public health awareness and leads efforts to end HIV/AIDS and to build back better from COVID-19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The pandemic has strengthened the need to review the linkages between SGD 4, 5, and 17 and how youth-centered partnerships are critical to rebuilding more resilient and inclusive communities.
The event will bring together young activists to reflect on the challenges and opportunities for partnerships and leadership in the midst of the dual pandemics, and how an intersectional approach is required to engage youth equitably and meaningfully and to end the detrimental effects of both crises.
Register here for the side-event