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Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development and Climate Justice

Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON)

Policy Coherence for sustainable development is a critical element for the success of the Agenda 2030 and therefore, it is enshrined in the Agenda itself. The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement represent two complimentary global frameworks for eradicating poverty and hunger and achieving environmental sustainability. For the first time, these frameworks show bottoms up approach in international policymaking. While on the face of it, it appears that countries are making tireless efforts to align their social, economic and environmental policies with the Agenda and the Paris Agreement; much remains to be done to make their national policies and programmes coherent with these. Lack of policy coherence at global level is also one of the most important factors reinforcing lack of policy coherence at national levels.   The side event will seek to address the following questions  Q 1; How far countries in Asia Pacific have been able to address policy coherence for sustainable development in general and between NDCs and SDGs in particular, nationally? What are the best practices or innovations in creating policy synergy within the region or outside which can inspire peer learning?  Q2: What are the areas of policy conflict and how can they be best addressed ?  Q3: What is the potential role of the SDG 16+ in removing the policy conflict by ensuring citizens participation, rule of law and transparent and inclusive institutions in climate and sustainable development governance?