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Refugee teachers and teachers of refugees: What does transformation look like?

UN High Commissioner for Refugees with Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN, ILO and Education Cannot Wait (ECW)

The Report of the International Commission on the Futures of Education (UNESCO, 2021) indicates a qualified and engaged workforce is essential to achieving SDG4. SDG 4 cannot be achieved unless and until the rights at work of all teachers—including refugee and community teachers—are respected.     

Regional agreements related to granting equivalencies for teaching qualifications within economic communities, programmes that professionalize and qualify acting teachers who step forward into some of the most challenging teaching contexts globally, comprehensive policy frameworks that ensure digitalisation of learning harnesses teacher knowledge and leaves no one behind, and predictable, reliable funding for teacher salaries and incentives in contexts of forced displacement are all essential for building, maintaining and creating transformation for teacher workforces in crisis-affected communities.     

The objective and organizing principle of the session will be to reflect on and discuss the transformational changes proposed by the Teachers, Teaching and the Teaching Profession Action Track for the September 2022 Transforming Education Summit through the lens of teachers in refugee contexts, including appointed and community teachers, and qualified, unqualified, national and refugee teachers.     

Specifically, what transformative actions in refugee contexts will lead to:  

• Adequate numbers of qualified teachers  

• Quality initial and continuous professional development for national and refugee teachers  

• Improved status and working conditions of the teacher workforce, including refugee teachers  

• Recognition and harnessing the value of refugee and national teacher leadership and innovation in complex operational environments  

Kindly register for the side-event here