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Responding for resilience - how inclusive cross-sectorial partnerships can support sustainable solutions for development and economic recovery after Covid-19

The Donkey Sanctuary and World Horse Welfare

Register here for the side-event

When considering resilience and sustainable transformation at scale and pace, investment in otherwise atypical capacity building measures can empower people at all levels to participate in and bring about long-lasting change.  Featuring panel dialogue and subsequent audience-led discussion, this event will share proactive and cross-sectoral approaches to the challenges of sustainable development, including responses to the Covid 19 pandemic.  As representatives of varied geographic and thematic focal areas, invited speakers will outline the impact of such challenges on their work and present examples of collaborative contribution towards achieving the targets of Agenda 2030, with particular focus on SDGs 5, 6, 13 and 15.  

In line with SDG 17, the event will emphasise how innovative partnerships that transcend their traditional remit can significantly contribute to the development of cost effective and sustainable solutions, as well as presenting important opportunities for responding to global emergencies.    

With examples spanning thematic sectors such as water, disaster resilience, gender, economy and animal welfare, this event will demonstrate the diversity and efficiency of collaborative approaches in ‘building back better’ and implementing integrative solutions, while also contributing insights ahead of the mid-term review of the SDGs and the SENDAI Framework in 2023. 

Welcome Remarks:

  • Mr Ian Cawsey, Director of Advocacy & Campaigns, The Donkey Sanctuary


  • Ms. Joanna Veltri, Chief, Americas Liaison Office, IFAD


  • Mr Marc Gordon, Senior Coordinator, Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, UNDRR
  • Mr Jorge Arturo Ríos Badillo, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations
  • Mr Vivek Rai, Deputy Director, Civil Society Division and Civil Society Coordinator, Generation Equality, UN Women
  • Dr Lawrance Dinginya, Deputy Director Veterinary Public Health, Department of Veterinary Services, Zimbabwe
  • Dr Hiver Boussini, Senior Animal Health Officer, African Union – Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
  • Ms. Isabella Wild, International Programme Officer, World Horse Welfare
