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Russian Regions and Business: Building back better from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

United Nations Association of Russia

The event provides an opportunity to exchange promising sustainable practices of Russia realized in different sectors during the pandemic time and while building back. Representatives of Russian regions and business will share the experience which can be upscaled and replicated. Sustainable strategies, partnerships, projects and the Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), developed by Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Sverdlovsk and Samara regions within the UN Association of Russia Program "Russian Regions and the UN SDGs", will be presented.    

The Program "Russian Regions and the UN SDGs" has been underway since 2009 with the support from the Russian Foreign Ministry and the UN Information Center in Moscow. Before 2015 it concentrated on the MDGs. For the moment 15 Russian regions have been participating in the program. These regions represented their VLRs at the UN Headquarters (New-York) and UN-Geneva, as well as at the meetings with the UN Secretary-General and the Director General of the UNOG. Currently, we have been actively working on the development of the Program, including holding related seminars, creation of SDG laboratories, and the development of the SDGs Ranking of the Russian Regions. Within the new initiatives we actively involve the business.    

Сonsidering what has already been done and the activities being implemented, the proposed side-event aims to address the potential partners for establishing new cooperation in promoting sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, special attention within the event will be devoted to the COVID-19 and changing world reality’s conditions.    

Please note that we will provide participants who wish to make an intervention at Q&A session with a Zoom link according to their request to our e-mail

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