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Setting the Stage for Integration, Indivisibility and Interlinkage

United Religions Initiative

Recent scientific breakthroughs are revealing fundamental, paradigm-shifting information about how interdependent we are with each other and the planet. This emergent understanding offers opportunities for transformational change because it distinguishes and contextualizes the roles of integration, indivisibility and interlinkage in accelerating progress on the SDGs.  

The panel will:  

  • Lay out key evidence of our indivisibility and what it means for development;  
  • Establish scientific and philosophical ground for building toward SDG fulfillment in congruence with  inherent interlinkages;  
  • Reflect on our existential interdependence in policy and practice.    

We know the world is interlinked and yet our fundamental cultural narratives portray the 17 SDGs as separate and people as divided. Panelists will address how emerging understanding supports a different, more unitive, science-based narrative that is coherent with the first principles in the UN Charter and with every major religious and spiritual tradition - a narrative that provides suitable cultural underpinning for integration, indivisibility and interlinkage.    

The panel will take a holistic approach, addressing the role of science and consciousness in managing the SDGs by leveraging our global interdependencies. This reflects panelists’ work in inter-faith, cooperative, and prosocial methodologies and a compendium of successful interventions, design principles and methodologies for SDG implementation.