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Tax, austerity, debt: How to finance SDG4 and other gender-responsive public services


Twenty years after the First International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, the effects of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine threaten to derail the progress made in these two decades, resulting in hundreds of million people falling back into extreme poverty, and a growing backlog in the implementation of the 2030 agenda. Following years of austerity policies, public services, particularly education and health, faced a devastating crisis in financing even before Covid. The cumulative effects of high levels of debt-servicing, public sector wage bill constraints, regressive tax systems, illicit financial flows, economic impacts of the pandemic, increased climate-related emergencies, and inflation in food and fuel prices, all disproportionately affect women and girls. To address these we need bold new strategies and actions to ensure adequate financing for the SDGs.  The  present global financial and tax architecture is regressive,  gender-biased and inadequate to deliver the 2030 agenda.  

This panel aims to:  

  • Shed light on the power dynamics and structures that shape the present unequal  distribution of wealth and resources  
  • Reimagine a financing and tax architecture that would promote redistribution, gender equality and accelerated progress on education and other public services that are key to achieving the SDGs         
  • Propose actionable solutions to strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through reforms to international systems – to deliver on SDG17.1.    

This panel brings new perspectives for fixing the global financial architecture promoting SDG17, ensuring it is fit for purpose to enable further progress towards SDG4 and SDG5.  

Register here for the side-event