Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations
The region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has faced the most prolonged period of interruption of classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The education disruption revealed and deepened existing inequalities, increasing dropout rates and learning losses and affecting young people's mental health and well-being. In this challenging context, the government of Uruguay jointly with ECLAC, OREALC/UNESCO and UNICEF LACRO will discuss the findings of the first regional balance on the implementation of SDG 4 to guide educational policy decision-making in the next decade, including an analysis of data and indicators of the monitoring frameworks of SDG 4. The side-event will enable to discuss policy responses to the urgent call to accelerate progress towards SDG 4 with more investment, social participation, dialogues and state capacities to improve and systemically transform the education sector across the region. The event will bring together high-level officials and educational authorities from Uruguay and other LAC countries that will present their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) at the HLPF 2022. The side event is part of a series of important milestones in the regional education agenda, namely the Third Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of the SDG4/E2030 Agenda, which took place in May 2022; the launch of the first Regional Monitoring Report on the implementation of SDG 4 to be held in June 2022; and the upcoming "Transforming Education Summit" in September 2022, convened by the United Nations Secretary General.