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The Political Effects of the SDGs since 2015 – Findings from the global SDG Impact Assessment

Earth System Governance Foundation

In preparation of the 2023 midterm review of the SDGs at the SDG Summit, this event highlights and critically discusses the political impact of the SDGs since 2015.    

The discussion is based on the key findings of the global SDG Impact Assessment, the first meta-analysis of the available scientific knowledge about the steering effects of the SDGs. 61 researchers across the globe were involved in assessing a body of over 3000 scientific studies on the SDGs. Overall, the Assessment finds that the effects of the SDGs are present mainly in political discourse, with little substantial effects so far on actual policies, institutional arrangements and the allocation of resources. The Assessment also points to a lack of incentive structures that guide public and private funding towards more sustainable pathways.  

The session will take stock of the core findings of the SDG Impact Assessment and conclude with a high-level discussion on how the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development can move beyond political discourse. We will discuss how to galvanize solutions in all societal sectors that lead to fundamental and transformational change. The knowledge obtained during this side-event will serve as valuable input for the 2023 midterm review of the SDGs.   

Our panelists include Achim Steiner (UNDP)(tbc), Khaled Emam (UN Youth Group), Norichika Kanie (Keio University)(tbc), Sandra Pellegrom (National SDG Coordinator The Netherlands), Andrea Ordonez Llanos (Southern Voice), Marianne Beisheim (German Institute for International and Security Affairs), Frank Biermann (Utrecht University), Pamela Chasek (Manhattan College), Åsa Persson (Stockholm Environment Institute)(tbc).   

Register here for the side-event