CADRI Partnership of the UN and IRCRC
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The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is a joint initiative of the United Nations and International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement systems. It gathers 20 humanitarian and development partners with specialized expertise to respond to country demand for integrated and coherent solutions in addressing climate and disaster risk in alignment with the Sendai Framework priorities and working together across the SDGs. CADRI provides countries with a one stop-shop mechanism to mobilizing multi-disciplinary expertise across various socio-economic sectors in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).
The side event will focus on SDG 17 “Partnerships for the Goals” and how Partnerships are a more effective and efficient way to scale up action to strengthen DRR and CCA across sectors as to individual and siloed approaches. Partnerships contribute to developing common, coordinated and coherent approaches amongst stakeholders and promote multi-sectoral interventions.
In this session the panelists will elaborate on the value of Partnerships to reduce disaster and climate risk across socio-economic sectors in order to achieve the Agenda 2030. They will talk from different perspectives: global, national and local level, from UN, government and civil society perspective.
The guiding question for all panelists will be:
- How do Partnerships contribute to achieving the Agenda 2030 in the area of DRR/CCA (incl. good practices, lessons learnt, recommendations)?
- How did Partnerships in DRR/CCA help to cope with COVID-19? Or: How can Partnerships in DRR/CCA contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 in the COVID-19 recovery process?
Presentations will be followed by a panel and Q&A session.